Phillip Segal asks 500+ barristers in NSW to speak in the interests of Justice for Julian Assange

A letter of a Sydney barrister Phillip Segal emailed to 500+ barristers of NSW this day, November 8 2019

Dear Colleagues,

In February I will have been a legal practitioner for 50 years.
Some half of that time has been defending Aboriginal people charged with criminal
matters, and since 1996 as counsel defending those in the community at large.

I have never, and I mean never, had a client in custody presented to a court in the
condition that Julian Assange appeared at his last appearance in England.
Something is rotten, and it is not in Denmark.

Please contact me if you wish to discuss his situation.

We are practitioners in the front line. We do perhaps have a shared responsibility to act
and speak in the interests of justice.


Phillip Segal, barrister

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